With more than 15 options to choose from, most people ought to be be able to find a quality nursing home in Akron, Ohio. These nursing homes received on average an overall grade of C. This isn't a terrible score, but it is not quite as strong of a score as we like to see either. We actually found this city grade to be better than the grade we gave the nearby city of Stow. With Stow receiving a terrible grade, Akron certainly appears to be a better bet. This city is stronger in some categories than others, but it didn't have bad scores in any of our major categories discussed below. Additional information about these categories is available in the next paragraph.
This city's nursing homes' most impressive category grade was in the area of inspections. In that area, we gave the city a grade of B+. Inspection scores weigh a host of factors found on a facility's inspection reports. One of the most important criteria we look at is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Nursing homes with better scores in this category typically have few of these severe deficiencies. Akron's next best score was in our nursing category, where we gave it a B-. In our final two categories, the city earned middle of the pack grades for our short-term care and long-term care areas.