With over 15 options to choose from, you should be able to find a nursing home that is a good fit in San Diego, California. This place's nursing homes were given a good city grade of B. We found this city grade to be considerably better than the city grade of C received by the nearby city of San Marcos. Although that isn't an awful grade, San Diego appears to be a much better bet. This city's strong profile was highlighted by its nursing homes' inspection reports, which you can find in the next section.
In addition to performing well in its overall grade, the nursing homes in San Diego performed remarkably well in the category of inspections. In fact, some of the nursing homes in the city received virtually flawless inspection reports this year. As a result, the city received one of our highest ratings in that area with a grade of A-. Our inspection ratings account for several factors found on a nursing home's inspection reports. One key criteria we weigh heavily is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Facilities with better grades in this area generally have few of these severe deficiencies. In addition, San Diego also received strong nursing rating where it received a grade of B+ in this area. Wrapping up its impressive report card, this place earned favorable scores for our short-term care and long-term care areas as well.