There are 5 nursing homes located in West Bloomfield, Michigan, providing for a population of 66,323 people. These nursing homes earned on average an overall grade of C. This isn't a terrible score, but it is not quite as strong of a grade as we had hoped for either. This score is below average by national standards. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes performed in our category grades.
The nursing homes in West Bloomfield received a short-term care score which is better than its overall grade. We gave it grade of B in this category. In determining our short-term care ratings, we assess a facility's levels of skilled nursing, which includes registered nurses, physical therapists occupational therapists and other licensed professionals. This grade is more often than not a meaningful assessment of a nursing home's rehabilitation services. This city received its next best score in the category of inspections, where we awarded it a B-, which also isn't a bad grade. In the other categories we looked at, West Bloomfield earned a B- for nursing and a C in the area of long-term care.