There are 20 nursing homes located in Orlando, Florida, servicing a population of 878,243 people. The nursing homes in this city received a city grade of B. This is an average city grade nationally, which is nothing to be ashamed of. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
In addition to performing well in its overall grade, this city's nursing homes performed remarkably well in our inspections category. In fact, some of its facilities received almost flawless inspection reports this year. Consequently, we awarded Orlando one of our highest ratings in that category with an A-. Inspection grades are based on many datapoints found on the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Nursing homes that receive favorable grades in this area tend to have few deficiencies on their reports. Most importantly, these places should not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with endangerment of patients. Orlando also received strong long-term care rating where it received a B+ in this category. Rounding out its impressive profile, we gave Orlando a B for its nursing score and a B in short-term care. We truly found this city to be very competent everywhere we looked.