There are 10 nursing homes in Bradenton, Florida, providing for a population of 216,518 people. The nursing homes here received a strong city grade of B+. This is especially impressive given the number of facilities in the city. This is a better score than the average city in the nation. The best part of Bradenton's strong profile was its nursing homes' inspection scores. Inspection grades are discussed in the next section
On top of having excellent nursing homes on the whole, this place really excelled in the category of inspections, where we gave it an A. Very few cities fared this well in this category. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in calculating these inspection ratings. One of those factors is deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of these deficiencies is usually more important than the quantity of deficiencies, as some end up being relatively insignificant. Bradenton earned a B+ for the city's nursing rating. Wrapping up its impressive report card, Bradenton received strong grades for our short-term care and long-term care categories as well.