With a population of 134,733 people, Fullerton, California is an average size city. There are 7 nursing homes there, which gives you multiple options to choose from. This city's nursing homes received an excellent city grade of B+. A city grade in this range is rare for a city with so many facilities. We also looked at the nursing homes in the nearby city of Buena Park, which received a city grade of B-. While there's nothing wrong with this grade, we found the nursing homes Fullerton to be better on the whole. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
To pair with its great overall grade, we awarded this city an A- for our inspections category. We take several aspects of a facility's inspection report into consideration in determining our inspection ratings. One of those factors is deficiencies. It should be noted that the severity of these deficiencies is arguably more important than the number of deficiencies, as some of these end up being relatively minor. The city earned a grade of B+ for our short-term care category. Rounding out its profile, the city earned a B+ for its nursing grade and a grade of B+ in long-term care. We truly found Fullerton to be competent in every category.