With a population of 76,571 , Baldwin Park, California is a medium size city. Surprisingly, there are only 4 nursing homes there, which is fewer than we expected in a city of this size. With a city grade of B, this city's nursing homes turned out to be solid options. This is as good or better than the city grade of the average city in the nation. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
To pair with its strong overall grade, we awarded this city an A- in our inspections rating. Our inspection grades account for a host of factors found on a nursing home's inspection reports. One key criteria we consider is the number and severity of deficiencies. Places with better grades in this area usually have very few severe deficiencies. In addition, the city also excelled in the category of government long-term care with a B+. In the last two categories, the city were awarded a grade of B for its nursing score and a C in short-term care.