There are 6 nursing homes in New Rochelle, New York, servicing a population of 73,387 people. This place's nursing homes received a strong city grade of B+. A city grade in this range is not very common for a city with this many facilities. This is a well above average grade with the vast majority of places receiving a B or lower. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
In addition to receiving a strong overall grade, most of the nursing homes in New Rochelle performed remarkably well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded the city a grade of A+ for this category, which is one of our highest scores. Inspection ratings account for a host of factors included in a facility's inspection report. One of the most important criteria we weigh heavily is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Places with better scores in this area typically have few severe deficiencies. In addition, the city also received an impressive long-term care grade with a B+ in this category. In the other categories we looked at, we gave the city slightly below average grades for our nursing and short-term care areas.