With 65,312 people, Osseo, Minnesota is a relatively small city. Unfortunately, there is just one nursing home there. This nursing home earned an overall grade of C, so it may be worth looking at. We found that most cities received a B or higher, leaving this city on the wrong side of average. Although this likely isn't a bad option, we would not blame you if you want to explore nursing homes in other cities.
This city's lone nursing home received an inspection score which is stronger than its overall grade. We gave them grade of B+ in this area. Inspection ratings weigh several factors, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can learn more about each of these issues by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. This facility also received one of our better scores in short-term care, where we gave it a B in the category. Wrapping up its report card, we gave the city grades of B and F for our nursing and long-term care areas respectively. In spite of an otherwise impressive performance, this place's poor short-term care rating may be concerning for many people.