With a population of 69,817 people, Panorama City, California is a small city. There are only 2 nursing homes there, which doesn't give you too many options. These nursing homes were awarded on average an overall grade of D. This is a sign that this city has some really poor nursing homes. By way of comparison, we awarded the nursing homes in the nearby city of Winnetka a city grade of F, which is a well below average grade. Although neither city received a rave review, we found the facilities in Panorama City to be a better bet. If you aren't deterred by this place's profile, you can continue reading to find out about its nursing homes' category grades. This city's nursing homes surprisingly fared well in the category of inspections for instance.
While its overall score was awful, we awarded Panorama City a B+ for our inspections rating. This category clearly isn't the source of its alarming overall grade. Our inspection scores are tied to several pieces of information located in the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Deficiencies are a key thing to look for on these reports. Most importantly, you should avoid facilities that have severe deficiencies linked to risks to resident well being. Surprisingly, we also awarded Panorama City a grade of C for our short-term care rating. In our final two categories, the city received terrible grades for our nursing and long-term care areas respectively.