With 34,981 people, Maspeth, New York is a small city. Unfortunately, there is just one nursing home there. Unfortunately, this facility earned an overall grade of D, which is a very weak score. Nationally, most nursing homes received a much higher grade than this place. Despite all this, one of the few highlights of this facility's profile is its strong inspection score. You can continue reading to find out about inspections and other category scores
While its overall rating was terrible, we awarded this city's lone nursing home an A for our inspections rating. Inspection grades weigh several factors, including deficiencies, substantiated complaints and federal fines. You can find more information about each of these issues by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. Maspeth's long-term care score is its next best feature. We gave it a C in this area. Finally, we awarded the city abysmal grades for our short-term care and nursing areas respectively.