There are 5 nursing homes in Sylmar, California, providing for a population of 91,725 people. This small group of facilities received on average an overall grade of B-, which a decent grade for the city. We found this city grade to be considerably better than the city grade of C received by the nearby city of Chatsworth. While that is not an awful grade, Sylmar appears to be a slightly better option. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
This city received a nursing grade which is stronger than its overall grade. We awarded it a strong grade of B+ in this area. Cities with these kinds of nursing scores generally have plenty of nursing homes with high levels of staffing. In addition, Sylmar also received strong short-term care rating where it earned a B in this category. In the other categories we looked at, this place earned middle of the road grades for our long-term care and inspections categories respectively.