Our data for Spring Valley, New York is based on a single nursing home we found there. Fortunately, its only nursing home received an excellent overall grade of B+. For comparison's sake, we also looked at the facilities in the nearby city of New City, which received an impressive city grade in its own right. However, we found that this nursing home in Spring Valley was even better than most of the facilities in New City. Topping off a great profile, Spring Valley is one of the twenty five highest rated cities in all of New York. This is also a reminder that New York has plenty of cities with high quality facilities.
To go along with its strong overall grade, we awarded this city's sole nursing home an A+ for our inspections rating. Inspection ratings weigh several factors, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can learn more about each of these factors by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. We also gave this place an A- for our long-term care category. Finally, we awarded the city a B in our nursing category and a C in the area of short-term care.