With a population of 109,212 people, Lewisville, Texas is an average size city. Surprisingly, there are just 3 nursing homes in the city, which is not quite as many as we expected in a city of this size. We gave this city a city grade of B for overall nursing home quality. By way of comparison, we gave the nursing homes in the local city of Coppell a city grade of D, which is a very poor grade. Naturally, we found the facilities in Lewisville to be rated much higher than the ones in Coppell. This city's nursing homes are better in some categories than others, but it didn't have any poor grades in any of the major areas discussed below. Additional information about these categories can be found in the next section.
To pair with its strong overall grade, we awarded this city a grade of A for our inspections rating. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in determining these inspection scores. One of those factors is deficiencies. It should be noted that the severity of deficiencies is arguably more important than the quantity of deficiencies, as some can be quite minor. In addition, Lewisville received a grade of B+ in the area of long-term care. Lastly, we gave the city a B for its nursing rating and a grade of C for short-term care.