Our data for Piscataway, New Jersey is based on a single nursing home we found in the city. We gave the city's sole nursing home a grade of C, so it may be worth looking at. It looks like most cities received a B or higher, leaving this city on the wrong side of average. Although this probably isn't a bad option, we would not blame you if you want to explore nursing homes in other cities.
Despite receiving a somewhat average overall grade, this city's sole nursing home performed especially well in our short-term care category. In fact, it received one of our highest grades in that category with a grade of A+. In computing these short-term care scores, we analyze the nursing home's skilled nursing services, such as those performed by registered nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists and other types of skilled professionals. The goal is to devise a tool for comparing the rehabilitation services of various facilities. We also gave this place an A- for our nursing rating. Rounding out its profile, we gave Piscataway grades of A- and F for our long-term care and inspections areas respectively. In spite of an otherwise excellent profile, an inspections grade this poor is still difficult to dismiss.