We were able to find only one nursing home in Huntington Park, California. Unfortunately, this facility received an overall grade of D, which is a poor score. This score is rock bottom by national standards. If you aren't deterred by this place's profile, feel free to continue reading to learn more about its category grades. This city's nursing homes actually fared well in inspections for instance.
While its overall score was abysmal, this city's only nursing home performed much better in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded it a grade of B+ for that category, which is one of our better grades. We take several aspects of a facility's inspection report into consideration in calculating these inspection scores. One key factor is health deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of deficiencies is usually more important than the number of deficiencies, as some of these end up being relatively minor. This city's second best category was its long-term care rating, where it received a B-. Finally, Huntington Park received abysmal grades for our nursing and short-term care areas respectively.