There are just 2 nursing homes located in Artesia, California, servicing a population of 16,591 people. The small number of nursing homes here received a city grade of C, which is not a strong grade at the city level. This place's city grade narrowly surpassed the city grade of facilities in the local city of Pico Rivera, which received a terrible city grade. If choosing between these cities, Artesia looks like a better bet. You also may want to review this city's category grades below.
Artesia's best category turned out to be nursing. We awarded the nursing homes in Artesia a grade of B- in this category. Our nursing category includes many datapoints, most of which are associated with quantities of nurse staffing. Artesia earned its next highest grade in the area of long-term care, where we awarded it a grade of B-, which is also a respectable grade. Lastly, this place were awarded a B- for its inspections score and a C for short-term care.