Falls Church, Virginia is an average size city with 116,155 people. It features only one nursing home, which is not ideal in a city of this size. We were relieved to discover that its only nursing home received a superb overall grade of A+. In fact, Falls Church is the top rated city in Virginia. Hopefully you will be content with this facility. If you are searching for more options, you're going to have to look to other cities.
To pair with its strong overall grade, we awarded this city's lone nursing home a grade of A+ for our inspections rating. Perhaps the most critical factor we look at in determining our inspection grades is deficiencies. These deficiencies can be found on a facility's recent inspection reports. Facilities with higher scores in this category typically avoided the more severe deficiencies involving things like patient abuse. We also awarded this city an A+ for our nursing category. Wrapping up its straight A report card, we gave the city an A+ for its long-term care grade and an A- in short-term care.