Stow is a city with a population of 38,742 people. There are 4 nursing homes in the city to choose from.
While its overall rating was as bad as it gets, this city's nursing homes performed favorably in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded it a grade of B for that category, which is one of our higher scores. Inspection grades are tied to datapoints found on the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Deficiencies are an important thing to look for on these reports. You should especially avoid nursing homes that have severe deficiencies linked to endangerment of patients. Surprisingly, Stow also performed decently in the area of nursing, where it earned a grade of C in this category. In the other categories we looked at, the city received grades of C and D for our short-term care and long-term care areas respectively. In spite of an otherwise decent profile, a long-term care rating this poor may be a problem for some prospective residents.