With a population of 69,745 people, Lynwood, California is a small city. There are just 3 nursing homes in the city, which does not offer you too many choices. These facilities didn't really stand out from a quality point of view either. The city was awarded a city grade of C, which is not one of our stronger scores at the city level. This grade is not necessarily the end of the world, but it is definitely below average by national standards. Please continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes performed in our category grades.
This city's most impressive category grade was in the area of long-term care. In that category, we gave the city a B. For long-term care residents, the facility's primary objective is to maintain residents' quality of life and keep them safe. This city's next best category is nursing, where it earned a grade of B- in this category. In our final two categories, this place earned a C for its short-term care grade and a grade of C for inspections.