Our data for Lawndale, California is based on a single nursing home we found there. We awarded the city's sole nursing home a grade of C, so it may be worth considering. It looks like most cities received a B or higher, leaving this city on the wrong side of average. You may be satisfied with this place. If you're searching for other options, you're just going to have to look in other cities.
While this city's nursing home received a middle of the road overall grade, its inspection grade is notably higher than its overall grade. Due to a favorable inspection report this year, it received one of our better scores in this category with a B+. These inspection ratings weigh several factors, including deficiencies, substantiated complaints and federal fines. You can learn more about each of these factors by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. This city also earned a strong nursing score. We gave it a B+ in that area. In our final two categories, this place received grades of B- and D for our long-term care and short-term care categories respectively. Even with otherwise respectable category grades, this city's poor short-term care grade could be a concern for people who need rehabilitation services.