With 73,812 people, Alameda, California is a small city. There are 5 nursing homes there, which should give you multiple options. These nursing homes in this city earned this city a strong city grade of B. By way of comparison, we awarded the nursing homes in the nearby city of Daly City a city grade of B-, which is also a decent grade. Nevertheless, we found the nursing homes in Alameda to be a better than the ones in Daly City. The best aspect of Alameda's strong profile is its nursing homes' inspection ratings. Inspection reports are discussed in the next paragraph
In addition to receiving a strong overall grade, this city performed remarkably well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded Alameda an A- for that category, which is one of our best scores. Our inspection ratings weigh a host of factors found on a facility's inspection report. One of the most important criteria we weigh heavily is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Nursing homes with higher scores in this area usually have very few severe deficiencies. The city also fared well in the category of nursing with a B. In the other categories we looked at, this place earned a B- in our short-term care category and a B- for long-term care.