With 83,685 people, Conyers, Georgia is an average size city. Surprisingly, there are just 2 nursing homes in the city, which is not quite as many as we expected in a city of this size. These facilities received on average an overall grade of D. This is a sign that this city has some bottom end facilities. We also assessed the nursing homes in the nearby city of Tucker. While we not high on either city, we found the facilities in Conyers to be a better bet. We really don't have many positive things to say about this city's facilities, but they did receive surprisingly strong inspection grades. You can continue reading to learn more about inspections and other category grades.
This city's nursing homes received an awful overall grade, but we really wanted to emphasize that some of the nursing homes in the city almost perfect health inspections in recent years. We gave them an impressive grade of A- in this category. We take several aspects of a facility's inspection report into consideration in computing these inspection grades. One of those factors is health deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of the deficiencies is usually more meaningful than the number of deficiencies, as some deficiencies are relatively minor. Surprisingly, this city also performed decently in our short-term care category, where it earned a C in this category. In the other categories we looked at, Conyers received grades of C and F for our long-term care and nursing categories respectively. Although we found its other categories to be acceptable, this poor nursing rating is not a great sign for levels of nursing staffing.