Our data for Mcdonough, Georgia is based on a single nursing home we found in the city. Sadly, this nursing home did not fare well in our assessment. We awarded it a grade of F, which is a terrible grade. This grade is just about as bad as it gets and it raises some major red flags. We really don't have many positive things to say about this place, but its best category grade was in the area of inspection reports. You can continue reading to find out about this.
This city's only nursing home received an awful overall grade, but we wanted to point out its respectable inspections in recent years. We gave it a C in this area. These inspection grades weigh several factors, including deficiencies and federal fines. You can find more information about each of these issues by obtaining copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. We gave Mcdonough a grade of D for its short-term care score, which was its second best category grade Lastly, the city earned concerningly weak grades for our nursing and long-term care areas respectively.