With a population of 119,080 , Vallejo, California is an average size city. Surprisingly, there are just 3 nursing homes there, which is not quite as many as we expected in a city of this size. We awarded this relatively small group of nursing homes a city grade of B, which is a perfectly respectable score. This is an average city grade nationally, which is nothing to be ashamed of. This city's profile was also very consistent as it did not receive a single poor category grade either. You can read more about these in the next section.
On top of a strong overall grade, this city's nursing homes received one of our better scores in long-term care with a grade of B+. Long-term care ratings in this range generally require both 24/7 care from nurses and aids, as well as quality routine medical care. In addition, the city also fared well in the area of health nursing with a B+. Rounding out its impressive profile, this place received strong grades for our short-term care and inspections categories respectively.