With a population of 35,394 , Sonoma, California is a relatively small city. There are only 3 nursing homes in the city, which doesn't provide you with too many options. This relatively small group of nursing homes here received a city grade of B-. This city is as good or better than the local city of San Pablo, which received a city grade of B-. Both cities have some decent nursing homes. Please continue reading to find more information about how this city's nursing homes were rated in our category grades.
This city's nursing homes received a short-term care grade which is stronger than its overall grade. We gave it a strong grade of B+ in this area. With a short-term care grade of this caliber we'd expect the majority of the facilities here to offer high levels of physical and occupational therapy staffing. In addition, the city also earned one of our higher scores in our nursing category, with a grade of B+. Lastly, the city were awarded a B- for long-term care and a C in the area of inspections.