With a double-digit total of nursing homes in the city, you ought to be be able to find a nursing home that is a good fit in Nashville, Tennessee. We gave the nursing homes in this city a very good city grade of B+, which is quite an achievement when you look at the number of facilities here. In fact, Nashville is one of the twenty five highest rated cities in all of Tennessee. This is also a reminder that Tennessee has plenty of cities with great nursing homes. This place's nursing homes are stronger in some categories than others, but it did not have any bad scores in any of our four major categories. More information about these categories can be found in the next paragraph.
To pair with its great overall grade, we awarded this city a grade of A- in our inspections rating. Perhaps the most important factor we look at in computing our inspection grades is deficiencies. Deficiencies can be found on a facility's recent inspection reports. Facilities with higher grades in this area most likely avoided the most severe deficiencies involving things like patient abuse. Nashville earned a grade of B+ in the area of short-term care. Wrapping up its profile, we awarded the city a grade of B+ for nursing and a B in the area of long-term care. We truly found this place to be very competent in every category.