There are 5 nursing homes located in Largo, Florida, servicing a population of 103,921 people. This city received a city grade of B for based on the quality of its nursing homes. This place's city grade was a bit better than the city grade of nursing homes in the local city of Brandon. While the nursing homes in Brandon are not terrible, we found Largo to be a better option. We were also pleased to find that this city did not have any poor grades in any of the major categories discussed below. More information about these categories is available in the next paragraph.
On top of having excellent nursing homes on the whole, this city's nursing homes really excelled in the category of inspections, where it received an A. Not many cities performed better in this category. Inspection scores take several factors into consideration, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can learn more about each of these issues by obtaining copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. This city earned its second highest score in the category of nursing, where we awarded it a grade of B-, which also isn't too bad. In our final two categories, we gave the city a B- for its short-term care score and a B- in long-term care.