There are 6 nursing homes in Katy, Texas, servicing a population of 250,975 people. The nursing homes in this city received a city grade of B-. We also assessed the nursing homes in the nearby city of Alvin. We found the nursing homes in Katy to be in a totally different league than the ones in Alvin. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
While its overall grade was not elite, we awarded Katy an A for our inspections rating. Our inspection grades weigh several factors included in a nursing home's inspection report. One key criteria we weigh heavily is the number and severity of deficiencies. Nursing homes with higher scores in this area tend to have very few severe deficiencies. The second highest grade we gave Katy in any category was its short-term care grade, where it received a B-. In the other categories we looked at, we gave the city grades of B- and D for our long-term care and nursing areas respectively. While we found its other categories to be acceptable, this nursing rating is not a very good sign for levels of nursing staffing.