There are 5 nursing homes in Turlock, California, providing for a population of 77,377 people. The nursing homes here received a strong city grade of B+. Even with just a few facilities, this is still a great sign. This is a better grade than the average city in the United States. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
In addition to performing well in its overall grade, this city's nursing homes performed spectacularly well in the category of inspections. In fact, some of its facilities received nearly perfect inspection reports this year. Consequently, we awarded it one of our best ratings in that area with an A-. Inspection ratings weigh several factors included in a facility's inspection report. One key criteria we consider is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Places with higher scores in this category tend to have very few of these severe deficiencies. Turlock also really excelled in the area of nursing, where we gave it an A-. Rounding out its quality report card, Turlock received a B+ for short-term care and a B for long-term care. We found this place to be competent in each category we assessed.