With 74,817 people, Avondale, Arizona is a relatively small city. Unfortunately, there is just one nursing home there. This facility was awarded an overall grade of B-, which is a a solid grade. This is right about the middle of the road by national standards, which is nothing to be ashamed of. The best part of this nursing home's profile was its stellar inspection score. We discuss inspections in the next section.
While its overall grade was not elite, we awarded this city's nursing home an A for our inspections rating. Inspection ratings take several factors into consideration, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can learn more about each of these factors by obtaining copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. This nursing home also received one of our higher grades in short-term care, where we gave it a B for the category. In the other categories we looked at, the city received middle of the road grades in our nursing and long-term care areas.