Lexington, Kentucky has more nursing homes to choose from than the majority of American cities. Impressively, this place's nursing homes received an excellent city grade of B+. A city grade of this caliber is relatively uncommon in a city with this many nursing homes. In fact, this is one of the top fifteen rated cities in Kentucky. This city's report card was also very consistent as it did not receive a single weak category grade either. You can learn more about these in the next section.
In addition to performing well in its overall grade, many of the nursing homes in Lexington performed especially well in our inspections category. In fact, some of the nursing homes in the city received almost flawless inspection reports this year. As a result, it received one of our best scores in that category with an A. Our inspection scores are based on pieces of information found on the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Facilities that score well in this category typically have very few deficiencies on those reports. Most importantly, these places generally do not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with risks to patient safety. We also wanted to point out that we awarded Lexington an A- in our long-term care category. Rounding out its impressive profile, this place received a B in our short-term care category and a B in nursing. This city really did not have any weak links based on our assessment.