Edmond, Oklahoma is an average size city with 141,852 people. It features only 3 nursing homes, which is not quite as many as we expected in a city of this size. The small number of nursing homes in this city received a city grade of C, which is not a strong grade at the city level. This grade unfortunately ended up on the wrong side of the national average. You can continue reading to find more information about how this city's nursing homes were rated in our category grades.
While its overall score was fairly ordinary, the nursing homes in Edmond performed remarkably well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded Edmond an A- for that category, which is one of our best scores. We take several aspects of a facility's inspection report into consideration in calculating these inspection scores. One of those factors is deficiencies. It should be noted that the severity of these deficiencies is usually more meaningful than the number of deficiencies, as some can be quite minor. Edmond's second best category was long-term care, where we gave it a C in this area. In the other categories we looked at, this place earned a grade of C for short-term care and a C in nursing.