With 41,676 people, Tonawanda, New York is a relatively small city. Unfortunately, there is just one nursing home there. This facility earned an overall grade of C, so it may be worth considering. This score is not the end of the world, but it is definitely below average by national standards. You may be content with this facility. If you are searching for more options, you're simply going to have to look in other cities.
We wanted to note that this city's nursing home's inspection grade was superior to its overall grade. In fact, we awarded it a B+ for its inspection grade, which is one of our higher grades. We take several aspects of a facility's inspection report into consideration in determining our inspection grades. One of those factors is deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of these deficiencies is arguably more meaningful than the number of deficiencies, as some of these can be quite minor. This city also received an impressive long-term care rating. We awarded it a B in this category. In our final two categories, Tonawanda earned rock bottom grades for our short-term care and nursing areas respectively.