Our data for Kennesaw, Georgia is based on a single nursing home we found in the city. Unfortunately, this facility earned an overall grade of D, which is a poor grade. This score is just about as bad as it gets and certainly raises some major red flags. Despite all this, one of the few highlights of this nursing home's report card is its impressive inspection rating. You can scroll down to learn more about inspections and other category grades
While its overall score was awful, this city's sole nursing home performed extremely well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded it an A- for that category, which is one of our highest scores. Inspection grades take several factors into consideration, including deficiencies, substantiated complaints and federal fines. You can learn more about each of these items by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. This city's nursing rating is its next best feature. It received a grade of C in this area. In our final two categories, the city earned rock bottom grades for our short-term care and long-term care categories.