There are 6 nursing homes in Winter Park, Florida, servicing a population of 71,471 people. The nursing homes in this city received a city grade of B. We also wanted to point out that this place's city grade was even better than the city grade of facilities in the nearby city of Kissimmee. The best aspect of this city's strong profile is its nursing homes' inspection scores. Inspection reports are discussed in the next paragraph
In addition to performing well overall, the nursing homes in Winter Park also received good inspection reports this year. As a result, Winter Park received one of our better scores in that category with a B+. Inspection ratings weigh several factors, including deficiencies, substantiated complaints and federal fines. You can find more information about each of these issues by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. The city earned a B+ for its. Wrapping up its quality report card, Winter Park earned a B for its short-term care rating and a B in nursing. Winter Park didn't have any weak links based on our assessment.