There are 7 nursing homes in Johnson City, Tennessee, providing for a population of 92,094 people. With a city grade of B-, this place should have some decent nursing homes. This is a middle of the road grade compared to other cities in the nation. You can continue reading to find more information about how this city's nursing homes performed in our category grades.
Despite receiving a fairly ordinary overall grade, this city performed spectacularly well in our inspections category. In fact, some of the nursing homes in the city received almost flawless inspection reports this year. As a result, we awarded Johnson City one of our best ratings in that category with an A. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in calculating our inspection grades. One critical factor is deficiencies. You should keep in mind that the severity of these deficiencies is usually more important than the quantity of deficiencies, as some end up being quite minor. In addition, the city received a B in the area of long-term care. In our final two categories, we awarded the city a B- in our short-term care category and a C in nursing.