Pekin is a city with a population of 43,810 people. There are 3 nursing homes there to choose from.
While its overall rating was as bad as it gets, the nursing homes in Pekin performed well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded it a B for that category, which is one of our better scores. Perhaps the most critical factor we look at in determining our inspection scores is deficiencies. Deficiencies are found on a facility's inspection reports. It is typically in your best interest to avoid nursing homes that have a long list of deficiencies. Surprisingly, we also awarded Pekin a decent grade of C for our nursing rating. In our final two categories, this place earned a C for its short-term care grade and a grade of D in long-term care. Despite an otherwise decent profile, a long-term care score in this range may be an issue for some prospective residents.