With a population of 19,612 , La Fayette, Georgia is a relatively small city. There are just 2 nursing homes there, which does not provide you with too many options to choose from. This small group of facilities received on average an overall grade of B-, which is a solid score for the city. This is a middle of the road grade compared to other cities in the United States. Please continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes were rated in our category grades.
This city's nursing homes received a somewhat average overall grade, however, we really wanted to point out that some of its facilities nearly perfect health inspections the past few years. We gave them an impressive grade of A+ in this category. Inspection ratings weigh a host of factors found on a nursing home's inspection reports. One of the most important criteria we rely on is the number and severity of deficiencies. Nursing homes with higher scores in this area typically have very few of these severe deficiencies. The second highest score we gave this place in any area was its long-term care grade, where we gave it a B-. Finally, we gave La Fayette slightly below average grades for our nursing and short-term care areas.