With 98,078 people, Lafayette, Indiana is an average size city. There are 6 nursing homes in the city, which gives you some options. With a city grade of B, this city received a strong grade. This is as good or better than the city grade of the average city in the country. The best aspect of this city's impressive profile is its nursing homes' inspection grades. We discuss inspections in the next paragraph
To pair with its great overall grade, we awarded Lafayette an A for our inspections category. Perhaps the most important factor we consider in determining our inspection grades is deficiencies. Deficiencies can be found on a facility's inspection reports. Places with better scores in this category most likely avoided the more severe deficiencies involving patient abuse or death. In addition, Lafayette received a B in the area of short-term care. In the last two categories, this place were awarded a grade of B- for its nursing grade and a C in the area of long-term care.