With 55,627 people, Nacogdoches, Texas is a small city. There are only 3 nursing homes there, which does not offer you too many choices. We awarded the nursing homes here city grade of C, which is not as high of a score as we like. This score is below average by national standards. Please continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes were rated in our category grades.
This city's nursing homes' best category grade came in the area of inspections. In that area, we gave the city a B+. Inspection scores are based on many pieces of information found on the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Facilities that receive favorable grades in this category tend to have very few deficiencies on those reports. Most importantly, these facilities generally do not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with risks to patient safety. In addition, the city also earned one of our higher grades in our long-term care category, with a B. In the last two categories, this place earned rock bottom grades for our short-term care and nursing categories respectively.