With a population of 52,126 , West Columbia, South Carolina is a small city. There are only 4 nursing homes there, which does not give you too many options. This place's nursing homes received an excellent city grade of B+, so what this city lacks in quantity, it makes up for by having high quality nursing homes. In fact, this is one of the top fifteen rated cities in the state of South Carolina. The best aspect of this city's impressive profile is its nursing homes' inspection ratings. Inspection reports are discussed in the next section
In addition to receiving a strong overall grade, most of the facilities in West Columbia performed extremely well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded its facilities an A+ for this category, which is one of our highest scores. Inspection ratings weigh several factors, including deficiencies and substantiated complaints. You can find more information about each of these items by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. West Columbia performed remarkably well in our long-term care category as well. As a result, the city received a grade of A- in this area. In the other categories we looked at, we awarded the city middle of the pack grades for our short-term care and nursing areas.