With 10,093 people, Herkimer, New York is a relatively small city. There are just 2 nursing homes in the city, which does not offer you too many options to choose from. These nursing homes received on average an overall grade of C. This isn't a bad score, but it is not quite as strong of a grade as we had hoped for either. This city is comparable to the local city of Rome, which received a city grade of C. Neither of these cities received elite marks in our assessment. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes performed in our category grades.
While its overall rating was somewhat average, this city performed remarkably well in our inspection category. In fact, we awarded Herkimer an A- for that category, which is one of our highest scores. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in determining our inspection ratings. One key factor is deficiencies. It should be noted that the severity of the deficiencies is usually more meaningful than the number of deficiencies, as some of these end up being relatively minor. The second highest score we gave this city in any category was its long-term care grade, where we gave it a B-. In the other categories we looked at, Herkimer earned grades of C and F for our short-term care and nursing categories respectively. In spite of an otherwise respectable profile, a nursing score in this range may be a bad sign for levels of nurse staffing.