With 26,916 people, Madisonville, Kentucky is a relatively small city. There are only 4 nursing homes there, which doesn't provide you with too many options. This city received a respectable city grade of B- for an overall score. This is just about average by national standards, which is perfectly respectable. You can continue reading to find more information about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
While its overall score was not elite, we awarded Madisonville an A for our inspections rating. We weigh several aspects of a nursing home's inspection report in calculating our inspection ratings. One of those factors is deficiencies. It should be noted that the severity of these deficiencies is usually more important than the quantity of deficiencies, as some deficiencies end up being quite insignificant. In addition, Madisonville received a B in our long-term care category. In our final two categories, the city earned middle of the pack grades for our nursing and short-term care categories.