Our data for Chatsworth, Georgia is based on just one nursing home we found there. Sadly, this nursing home earned an overall grade of D, which is a very weak grade. This score is just about as bad as it gets and certainly raises some major red flags. If you aren't deterred by this facility's report card, you can continue reading to find out about its category grades. This city's nursing homes surprisingly fared well in inspections for example.
Despite receiving an abysmal overall grade, this city's nursing home performed especially well in our inspections category. In fact, we awarded it one of our highest grades in that category with an A. Inspection grades are based on many pieces of information located in the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Deficiencies are an important item to look for on these reports. Most importantly, you should avoid facilities that have severe deficiencies associated with risks to resident well being. This city's second best category was long-term care, where it received a C. In the other categories we looked at, Chatsworth earned abysmal grades for our nursing and short-term care categories respectively.