With a population of 26,549 people, Stephenville, Texas is a small city. There are only 3 nursing homes there, which doesn't offer you too many choices. With a city grade of B-, you ought to be able to find a decent facility in the city. By way of comparison, we awarded the nursing homes in the local city of Burleson a city grade of C, which is a well below average grade. While the two cities were relatively close, we found the nursing homes in Stephenville to be a slightly better option. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes fared in our category grades.
While its overall rating was not elite, we awarded this city a grade of A for our inspections rating. Our inspection scores account for several factors found on a nursing home's inspection reports. One of the most important criteria we look at is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Places with better scores in this category generally have few of these severe deficiencies. The second best grade we gave Stephenville in any area was its long-term care score, where we awarded it a grade of B-. Lastly, we gave the city a B- for its short-term care grade and a B- in the area of nursing.