There are just 2 nursing homes in Belton, Texas, servicing a population of 34,172 people. This small group of nursing homes here received a decent city grade of B-. This is a middle of the pack score compared to other cities in the nation. One of the better aspects of this city's profile is its nursing homes' impressive inspection reports, which you can find in the next section.
The nursing homes in Belton received an inspection score which is better than its overall grade. We awarded them grade of B+ in this area. Inspection grades weigh several factors, including deficiencies and federal fines. You can learn more about each of these items by reviewing copies of nursing homes' inspection reports. In addition, Belton also fared well in the category of health long-term care with a B. Rounding out its report card, Belton earned grades of B and D for our short-term care and nursing areas respectively. In spite of an otherwise impressive profile, a nursing grade this poor may be a bad sign for levels of nurse staffing.