With a population of 39,599 people, Hazleton, Pennsylvania is a small city. There are just 3 nursing homes there, which doesn't give you too many options. We awarded the nursing homes here city grade of C, which is not quite as strong of a grade as we had hoped for. This score unfortunately ended up on the wrong side of the national average. You can continue reading to learn more about how this city's nursing homes performed in our category grades.
The nursing homes in Hazleton received an inspection grade which is superior to its overall grade. We awarded them a strong grade of B in this category. Inspection grades account for several factors included in a nursing home's inspection reports. One of the most important criteria we look at is the quantity and severity of deficiencies. Places with higher scores in this category typically have very few severe deficiencies. Hazleton's second highest grade was in our nursing category, where it earned a grade of B-. In our final two categories, this place received a C for its long-term care score and a grade of D for short-term care. Despite otherwise respectable category grades, this city's weak short-term care grade may be an issue for prospective residents looking for rehabilitation.