There are just 2 nursing homes located in Tarboro, North Carolina, providing for a population of 21,591 people. This place's nursing homes received a city grade of B-. This is a middle of the pack grade compared to other cities in the country. One of the best aspects of this city's profile is its exemplary inspection grade, which is addressed in the next section.
This city's nursing homes received a fairly ordinary overall grade, however, we really would like to point out that some of its facilities virtually flawless health inspections in recent years. We awarded them an impressive grade of A- in this area. Inspection scores are based on many pieces of information found on the a nursing home's recent inspection reports. Places that score well in this category have few deficiencies on those reports. Most importantly, these nursing homes should not have any severe deficiencies which are associated with endangerment of patients. Inspections appears to be this city's second best category. We gave it a B- in this area. In the last two categories, this place received a grade of B- for its short-term care rating and a C in the area of nursing.