There are only 2 nursing homes in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, servicing a population of 38,894 people. This small group of nursing homes here received a city grade of B-. This is a middle of the road grade compared to other cities in the United States. Please continue reading to find more information about how this city's nursing homes were rated in our category grades.
The nursing homes in Fuquay Varina received an inspection grade which is superior to its overall grade. We awarded them grade of B in this category. Perhaps the most significant factor we consider in determining our inspection grades is deficiencies. These deficiencies are found on a nursing home's inspection reports. Facilities with better grades in this category typically dodged the more severe deficiencies involving health risks or even death. The city also excelled in the category of health long-term care with a B. Finally, this place earned a B for its nursing score and a B- in the area of short-term care.